ING Commercial Banking named best broker in Benelux and Eastern Europe |

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ING Commercial Banking named best broker in Benelux and Eastern Europe

ING Commercial Banking climbs from second to first place in Extel Pan European Survey

ING Commercial Banking has been named best broker in both the Benelux and Eastern Europe by institutional investors in the prestigious Extel Pan European Survey 2010.

Since last year, ING Commercial Banking has risen from second to first place in the categories ‘Leading brokerage firm for Benelux equities’ and ‘Leading brokerage firm for European Emerging Markets’.

“This rise in the rankings is a result of our focus on these regions, both of which are very important to ING Commercial Banking,” says Dariusz Chrzastowski, head of Equity Markets at ING Commercial Banking. “Achieving second place in both categories last year was an enormous incentive for us to do even better this year. We are extremely pleased that we have succeeded and that the quality of our service is so widely valued by clients.”

This year, a record number of over 300,000 votes were cast in this annual survey, which polls institutional investors worldwide for their assessment of brokers. “There are two sides to what we do,” says Chrzastowski. “We know the clients in the local markets and as these results clearly show we have built up the trust of the institutional investors that we bring into contact with these companies.”

The Top 3 rankings of the Extel Pan European Survey are as follows:

Top 3 Benelux
1. ING
2. Kempen
3. RBS

Top 3 Emerging Europe
1. ING
2. UBS
3. Merrill Lynch


Martina Lasotová
Account Executive

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Vydáno: 2. 7. 2010 14:57
Kategorie: Ekonomika
Název zdroje: Stance Communications, s. r. o. (ověřený zdroj [?])
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